Guest Blogger: Deborah DeMoss Smith talks about her new novel..

It has been a few months since I have talked to Deborah about her book.  You can read more about Deborah on the guest blog section. Light Fixtures is doing well on the Kindle and a paperback version is coming soon. If you haven’t ordered the book,  it’s a great read.
Here is my latest guest blogger Deborah DeMoss Smith- and guess what- her book is a novel is about a teenager with bipolar disorder.  Teens need to be represented!

** A note from Deborah:

I first met Julie two years ago at a writing conference. She was there to teach an e-publishing class; I was a volunteer at the Command Central Desk. Rushing up to the desk that Friday morning,  Julie asked if anyone could copy some handouts that she needed her class had already started.  I reached out, grabbed the originals and sprinted to the other side of the building. Nothing is worse than thinking you have everything ready to go and finding the opposite is true.

Julie, with her full class of aspiring writer-publishers, soon had her handouts. Later, when she returned to the desk,  I asked her how the class went and told her that I’d wanted to take the course,   but had had a conflict.  Pulling a handout from her stack,  she smiled and said, “Well, take this one,” and hurried away.

As I scanned the syllabus, I saw that she offered a free consult for writers. I emailed my application and was fortunate to be scheduled. When Julie and I met, she gave me some much-welcomed tips about e-publishing.  She then asked me about my novel. I offered that Light Fixtures was the story of a female protagonist who deals with the onset of teen bipolar. With bright eyes, Julie leaned forward and said excitedly, “What? Really?”

You must understand that at the time I knew Julie as an expert in e-publishing. I did not know that she was THE Julie Fast,  the expert in bipolar disorder. Pointing out that the novel was one of the few YA novels dealing with teen bipolar disorder,  she asked that I guest-blog about Light Fixtures.  It’s now on sale and Julie said- “Tell people about it! So many people look for information about teens and bipolar and now you have written about it!”

Light Fixtures is a coming-of-awareness novel set in the Deep South in 1963. The story features 14-year-old Aurora, who’s all about moving fast. But her fast thoughts and actions often cause those around her to shake their heads in bafflement,  especially when her spirits nosedive. Then,  in the depth of the woods behind her grandparent’s home,   life changes when she meets the mystical Mr. Hematite and his assistant,  Mr. Dragonfly. Together,  they guide her in understanding the onset of her bipolar moods and show her that as Light Fixtures,  everyone has the potential to glow with balance and brilliance.

Why did I write Light Fixtures? After writing many nonfiction works such as TV documentaries and a book on the human-animal connection,  I wished to tell a story based in truth,  yet dressed by the imagination. Other factors for my decision included growing up in northwest Louisiana,  the setting, and being familiar with bipolar mood disorder within the family.

As light fixtures are devices used to create illumination, I chose the title as a metaphor as to who Aurora and all of us are:  beings who,  no matter what our limitations – even bipolar disorder — have the ability to shine.

Light Fixtures is the first book of a YA series featuring Aurora as she deals with her emerging bipolar moods in high school and beyond.


PS:  Hi,  it’s Julie. It was a special day for me when Light Fixtures was available on the Kindle.  I know what it takes to put out a book.

I read most of my books off the Kindle these days.  If you don’t have a Kindle,  you can download the Kindle app to any phone or tablet. can read it on your computer too!

I was born in Alabama and I had one of my first manic episodes in the hot summer of the deep south as well.  This book brought back so many memories. I know you will enjoy it.  You can also read more about Deborah at

Happy Reading!

1 comment to Guest Blogger: Deborah DeMoss Smith talks about her new novel..

  • Hello. Reading this success from Deborah is encourageing. I have had bipolar for almost twenty years. My first onset was when I was a senior in college. Now 40 years old and have been married for 12 years. I am managing with my wife, two step daughters and an adpoted son. Over the years I have had many valuable insights. I have passed on my experiences by word of mouth but, have been told countless times to write a book. I can’t decide wether or not to have the book be a ficticiuos account or more of a true to life one. Either way it will be about me and support people and what we have gone through. Some of my life has seemed more believable as fiction or fantasy. My journey is inter-mixed with my faith. However, I don’t want to drive anyone away and hope even people that don’t share this with me can still be helped. I have just recently opened up this blog, I feel this will jump start me and get me enough “snap shots” to inspire my book. I am no expert, but feel I have something to offer. My diagnosis is bipolar with mania, but I have my hand in a number of different symptoms, such as ocd and anxiety and schizophrenia. Like I said my site is pretty much brand new, but I encourage people to check it out as I add more posts and get it organized. In the mean time, I would love to get comments and address different questions. Thank you to both Julie and Deborah and all of those who do life with mental illness and reach out to inform and help others. That is just great! Brad