Bipolar Social Anxiety and the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!

I once watched a reality show on becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader when I was at the gym. I had a political interview show on my IPOD, but this was far more intriguing ! First of all, it was a pretty weak premise for a show – as watching cheerleader tryouts probably brings back a lot of bad memories for those of us who were not fond of high school! But there was something very interesting on the show.

The women had to climb up a really high pole and jump off onto a trapeze bar. Yes, that was one of the tasks.  There was one candidate who was very scared of heights. She cried the whole way up the pole. But I had to admire her. She got up there, stood up and jumped off. It was pretty safe as she had on a harness, but I could see it was one of the hardest things she had ever done. I admired that. I haven’t forgotten her bravery. I have a lot of social anxiety around certain situations. I’ve found that some give me severe OCD anxiety symptoms if I let them go too far. It’s hard to keep going in these situations – you either do something dumb like running away- or saying something embarrassing, or drinking too much or just being silent!  Next time you can think of the cheerleader – if she can do it. We can do it! Julie

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