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"Just wanted to say that you are helping people all round the world. I live in Scotland, UK and there is not very good mental health support here. Your blog and health cards have helped me more than any professionals!" - Joanne, Glasgow
"I purchased your health cards four years ago and the book I got with it, Bipolar happens, is a masterpiece. It motivates me no matter how low I feel. Thanks for everything." - Vicki, Chicago

Bipolar Happens: 35 Tips to Manage Bipolar Disorder Successfully

This book is funny and young men really like it. Why? It’s stories. No judgement. No preaching. No telling someone what to do.  Just stories about what it’s like to have bipolar disorder and what a person can do to keep the illness under control.  This is the first book Julie ever wrote and it is passionate, silly and truthful.  Young kids like it too.

How to Order

Bipolar Happens is available for Kindle at Amazon.

Bipolar Happens is also available in the following packages and bundles:

  • Julie’s complete Health Cards System (ebooks)
  • Julie’s complete Health Cards System (spiral bound and ebooks)
  • Julie’s complete Health Cards System International (spiral bound and ebooks shipped outside the US)
  • Ultimate Julie Fast book bundle
  • Ultimate Julie Fast book bundle (international)